Austrian league the best in the world - Bright Edomwonyi

In an interview with Bright Osagie Edomwonyi  a Nigerian professional footballer who plays as a striker for Austria Wien about the Austrian league  he said " it's nice we are back playing after a long break, we already played over 7 games since the resumption and we are looking forward to finishing the league, we do test every two weeks since we play two times every week ."

"We took every possible procedures to be fit , sometimes we train at home , after that we do nothing , it was nice the league came back ."

When asked if the fans really played an impact in thier matches, he said" the fans has a lot to play in every game , they cheer us up and there also help us generate the confidence we need , it nice to play with them and boring to okay without them."

"Austria league is one of the best league in breeding players , many Nigerians plays here and also most of the world talent's started from here in Austria."

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