North Korea is ruled by 39 year old Kim Jong Un (김정은). He has been the leader of the country since 2011. He became the next and reigning leader after his father Kim Jong-il who ruled from 1994-2011. He has a wife and 4 (3 alleged) children.
Below are some of the strangest rules in North Korea that its citizens has to abide to.
1. International calls are a crime.
2. Disrespecting any member of his family is a crime. A woman was in jail because she failed to save a picture of the leader when she chose to save her own child.
3. Falling asleep while Kim Jong Un is in a meeting is a crime. His prime minister was executed with an anti-aircraft gun because of this.
4. Listening to foreign music or watching movies in a foreign language is a crime.
5. Only male government officials are allowed to drive. In fact, one in hundred people are allowed to own a car.
6. Every July 8, smiling, talking loudly, dancing, or drinking is prohibited due to the death of the last president; his father. If found guilty, you'd be sent to d/ie or be sent to a labor camp.
7. Consuming marijuana or trading of drugs are allowed (strange, indeed).
8. Wearing jeans is prohibited. Women aren't allowed to wear bikinis or any skirt that is above their knees.
9. North Koreans aren't allowed to travel abroad without permission and if you do so, you'd be executed or punished.
10. Their only internet (Kwangmyong) is even monitored by the government. The people with network access are the politicians, elite students, his family members, and the military.
11. The government chooses your profession. If you disagree, you're sent to labor camps.
12. North Korea has only 28 hairstyles (18 for women, 10 for men). It is compulsory to do any of it.
13. North Korean citizens cannot share the same surname (Kim) with the leader. They are forced to change it if they do.
14. Atheism is the only known belief in North Korea (They don't believe in any other existing religions). People who distributed Bibles in North Korea were executed in public.
15. Tourists must discard their phones and laptops and will only have them back when they are ready to leave the country. Every tourist has a guide that follows them everywhere and they must abide to what their guide says.
16. If a family member commits s/ui/cide, the rest of the family members will be executed. In fact, three generations will be executed.
17. North Korea cuts off their electricity every night due to energy crises. Owning a microwave is actually a crime.
18. Military services is compulsory (10 years for men and women (7 years).
19. Sundays are the cleaning day for everyone. Everyone must use hands and no tools for cleaning.
20. Women who give birth to triplets are made to give out their children and are retuned when they are four years old.
What do you think of these? These are just a few rules governing North Korea.
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